Your guess is as good as mine. And completely ignore the false prophets that speak lies about who will win this election.
There's nothing in the Bible that says that you have to vote or not.
The choice to assume the office of President of the United States is underway with early voting by mail or where allowed by state law, in person.
You should never vote based on a person's skin color or their biological gender.
If you have hatred in your heart towards either candidate, you will not inherit the kingdom of God if you have hatred in your heart (see Galatians chapter 5).
If you’re a true believer in Christ, should you choose to vote, you must vote based on Biblical values.
Compare their agendas, whether conservative or liberal, with the Word of God.
And no one has the right to shame another person to compel them to vote for a certain candidate.
Which candidate is quailfied to handle the job and what do they support?
What's at stake?
Let’s compare the difference between liberals and conservatives.
The right (conservatives) desires the unconditional support of Israel, capitalism, a return to the rule of law, more police, less crime and recidivism, less taxes, strong immigration, less abortion- meaning life of the mother, incest, or rape, Pro-Life positions that agree with allowing an abortion because of inconvenience- or unplanned pregnancy is acceptable, energy independence, no wars, a strong support for the first and second amendments, a strong economy, military, and leadership, both at home and abroad.
Note: No pregnancy is unplanned when you plan to fornicate or commit adultery against the commandment of God.
The left (liberals) want communism or Marxism, anti-capitalism, the weaponization (lawfare) of the law to imprison their political rivals, they're anti Israel and pro Palestinian or Arab, open boarders, unlimited abortion and codifying Roe v. Wade, transgender surgeries, indoctrination of children to transition to whatever gender they want, homosexual unions, drag queens, no police, release convicted felons, a weak military, more taxes, no first or second amendments, censorship, no parental barriers, high crime, climate change agendas that force people to abandon traditional forms of energy.
In other words, lawlessness (see Matthew 24:12).
The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and the Constitution is a brilliant set of documents that the founding father devised and ratified for the purpose of ensuring the freedom of its people for as long as THE PEOPLE follow it.
It appears that the hand of the Lord were upon these men to create a country where freedom is preserved by free speech and the legal use of firearms so that a tyrannical government doesn't emerge. The second Amendment preserves the first Amendment as the founding fathers observed that England desired absolute rule by censoring free speech, gun control, and no redress of grievances.
The founding fathers started out with a document that's a history lesson. Mind you that the Declaration of Independence is more than a history lesson. It is an official letter to the king of England that the king has been fired.
To get to this point, hundreds of young courageous Americans made up their minds to tell England and king George that they're fired. Britain sent troops to put down the rebellion and the rest is history. Blood was shed, starting in Boston with five brave Americans. They were all buried at or near each other.
It was called The Boston Massacre.
The Bill of Rights was devised, in my opinion, is a preamble to declare the rights of its people.
The Constitution is the rules of this new nation.
Within the Constitution is the 3 branches of government.
The Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch.
The Legislative Branch is made up of Congressmen and women, and the Senate.
The Legislative Branch makes the laws. This power is exclusive.
The Executive Branch is tasked with enforcing the laws that Congress passes after the president signs such laws, and the Judicial Branch interprets the laws.
The Executive and Judicial Branches cannot make laws.
The Chief Executive, or President may propose legislation to Congress. Congress passes the laws. Only the Executive and Congress has veto power.
The Judicial Branch declares such laws, either Constitutional or unConstitutional, should they choose to take the cases by writ of "Certiorari," "en banc." Unusual as it is, the Judcial Branch has no enforcement power but their rulings is to be respected as an equal branch of government power.
Power is shared among these 3 branches to provide balance. It was devised this way to prevent and deprive one branch of power from possessing absolute power.
This is commonly called "Separation Of Power."
According to the Constitution, the President is elected into office every 4 years. Congressmen and women, every 2 years, and the Senate every 6 years.
The word "Senator" means elders.
This constitutional republic is after the Roman style of government.
In the brilliance of the founding fathers, the election of the President is not based on the Popular Vote but by an Electoral College. The number of Delegates won from each state determines the next President. This brilliant clause gives smaller states a seat at the table to select a president so that larger states can't have the monopoly. It's all about fairness for all legal citizens of this country.
One person (legal Amercian citizen), one vote.
If you're not a legal citizen of this country, you cannot participate in federal elections.
Illegal immigrants cannot participate in federal elections.
The purpose is to make sure that each state's legal vote is earned. With the election of Congressmen and women, and the Senate, its by majority vote within each state.
That's why it's a Democratic Constitutional Republic.
Lately, there's been talk by the Democrats to do away with the Electoral College Vote, pack the Supreme Court, and other rule changes that require a Constitutional Amendment and ratification by the States.
I know that I've left out many details or made mistakes, but in a nutshell, these are the rules.
When things don't go your way, you look to change the rules so that you can accomplish an anti Republic agenda.
Please take the time to read these documents when you get a chance.
The One Person that knows everything is the Lord.
Acts 17:24-26 (NKJV) "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings..."
Isaiah 46:9-11 (NKJV) "Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country.
Indeed I have spoken it;
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it."
Whether you choose to vote or not, it's completely up to you. Just don't complain if you choose not to vote.
Never allow others to manipulate, coerce, or use violence to compel you to vote or not.
Sadly, people love to control people.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Now when it comes to choosing a person for office, you need to be aware that unsaved men are involved. 1 John 5:19 tells us that the whole world lies under the sway of the evil or wicked one.
When it comes to evil, there's no such thing as "the lessor or two evils."
Evil is evil.
However, as stated before, there's the conservatives and liberals.
Their agendas are very clear.
Should you choose to vote, how you vote is what you support.
With abortion, the only way to abolish abortion is to obey God and flee sexual immorality.
Only less than 2% or 3% of abortions is for saving a mother's life, incest, or rape, and falls under the category of rare.
98% of abortions is because of "inconvenience," but the sexual immorality of fornication or adultery was convenient.
Fornication and adultery is the fuel of abortion.
However, with rape and incest, should the baby be killed?
Remember, abortion is murder. Rape and incest is just as wicked as murdering a baby.
Some people advocate for not voting for either former President Trump (Republican) or Kamala Harris (Democrat), the current Vice President, because of their positions on abortion but look at it from this position.
Murder is murder. Exodus 20:13 is clear. "You shall not murder."
The Democrats support unlimited abortion.
Republicans support abortion if the mother has pregnancy complications to save her life, rape and incest.
Since Roe v. Wade has been remanded to the states, it's now out of the hands of the federal government. Meaning that since there's no language in the US Constitution regarding abortion, it's within the state jurisdiction to determine whether or not that state will allow or prohibit abortion.
The Democrats wanted the federal government to have unrestricted abortion based on over 50 years of precedence and it was struck down by the Conservative Justices of the Supreme Court.
There has to be an act of Congress to codify abortion as an Amendment in the Constitution and because the "hurdle" or "bar" is so high, the hopes of codifying abortion and getting it ratified by the states is nearly impossible.
Therefore, abortion is off of the table as far as the presidential election is concerned.
So with regard to the President supporting abortion or not, who you vote for is what you support.
So now the real issues facing this nation is the support of Israel, the economy, and immigration.
So look at the things that conservatives and liberals support, line it up with Scripture, and make a choice if you choose to vote.
There's nothing is the Bible that says that you have to vote or not.
If you choose to vote or not, that's your choice.