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Writer's pictureFred Rochester


What does the 7 churches in Revelation have to do with IHOPKC & Mike Bickle?

Good question.

First. Another video from the leadership team at IHOPKC was made to confirm that Mike Bickle has officially been disfellowshipped from IHOPKC for sexual immorality.

Let's look at the 7 churches in Revelation and how they're relevant to the IHOPKC leadership and confirmed sexual immorality by Mike Bickle.

  1. Ephesus: They've left their first love.

  2. Smyrna: Persecuted for the testimony of Christ.

  3. Pergamos: Hold the doctrine of Balaam & Nicolatians.

4. Thyatira: Allows a woman (Jezebel) to teach sexual immorality and idolatry

(Eating things sacrificed to idols & sexual immorality).

5. Sardis: Claims to be alive but they're a dead church.

6. Philadelphia: Faithful & persevered under persecution.

7. Laodicea: Lukewarm or indifferent.

Needless to say that Philadelphia and Smyrna went unscathed and therefore, IHOPKC's leadership and Mike Bickle doesn't qualify.

Many people overlook the fact that sexual immorality is sin before the Holy God.

The convoluted way that we express these situations is by calling adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pedophilia, and masturbation while watching porn or without watching porn, a MISTAKE.

Now look at the following phases that we've intentionally or deliberately use to soften the blow that we've sinned against God.

  1. Inappropriate behavior.

  2. A misstep.

  3. Consensual sex.

  4. Shacking up.

  5. Sleeping with someone.

  6. Sexual misconduct.

  7. A mistake.

  8. Poor judgment.

  9. Unwanted advances.

  10. Serious personal misjudgments.

  11. Misdeeds.

  12. Inappropriate touching.

  13. Moral failure.

  14. He fell from grace.

I'm sure that you have a number of other ways that preachers and their ministry press departments describe sin in a number of ways that doesn't make a preacher look bad.

But what are they?


satan is the father of lies according oh the Lord in John 8:44.

According to Revelation 21:8, all liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

The Bible is very clear as to how we're to call such things.


I'm sure that we understand the seriousness of sexual immorality in the church because the Lord Jesus see it as a serious issue. Therefore, we should treat it with the same seriousness. Otherwise, we're hypocritical.

In my previous blog, I said that Mike Bickle need to be born again. I stand by my statement with the Scriptural references of the entire book of 1 John. If he is born again, then the entire book of 1 John applies to him as a believer.

I also stand by my statement that IHOPKC is tares among wheat.


Note the various false doctrines taught about angels, and other NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) teachings and associations of IHOPKC and Mike Bickle.

Could a good tree bear bad fruit? Could a bad tree bear good fruit?

But also compare IHOPKC to the 5 churches in Revelation that they’ve had false doctrines and allowing false teachers to spread heretical teaching, combined with sexual immorality. In the 5 churches, it gives the appearance that they were, at one time, good branches bearing good fruit but became sick branches (see John 15).

Many people view that what happened with Mike Bickle, happened over 2 decades ago. But what may have happened over 2 decades ago, time means nothing to the Lord. Mike lived a lie, and thought that it would remain hidden. But God never left it hidden. God gave Mike "space to repent." 20+ years.

Anyone that makes any excuses is complicit with demonic activity and is guilty of obstruction of God's justice.

In all of these years, we’re to assume that Mike was a holy man of God. Note also that while Paul Cain was a drunkard and practicing homosexual, Mike Bickle stood in judgment of Cain while Mike Bickle was in sin himself.

This is hypocrisy.

Mike’s greatest fear came when he was exposed.

Luke 12:2 came to pass.

Not because people had an axe to grind against IHOPKC and Mike Bickle but because if we’re in ministry, Paul’s qualification can’t be suppressed.

1 Timothy 3:1-7 (NKJV) “This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.

  1. A bishop then must be blameless,

  2. the husband of one wife,

  3. temperate,

  4. sober-minded,

  5. of good behavior,

  6. hospitable,

  7. able to teach;

  8. not given to wine,

  9. not violent,

  10. not greedy for money,

  11. but gentle,

  12. not quarrelsome,

  13. not covetous;

  14. one who rules his own house well,

  15. having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?);

  16. not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.

  17. Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

Mike was to be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober minded, good behavior, able to teach, not covetous.

So in Mike’s recent email, we don’t see any details. Not that it’s important. Right?

It’s very important. Here’s why.

Offending God is a serious crime against God.

Sin is so serous before the Lord that He sent His Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty of every man. Sin is so serious before God that any half stepping, watered down or diluted email only underscores our disgusting contempt for God and His Word.

Many even argue that we’re supposed to show “grace” and restore Mike.

The need to restore someone underscores that sin caused the need for restoration.

The lack of self control or temperance in Mike and many others is the issue.

So should we “stone” Mike and IHOPKC?

No. But what’s demanded is that we call sin sin.

We’re in the age of coverup, circle the wagons, and protect the leaders at all cost lest we lose the ministry and the money that comes with it.

What we try to protect is powerless to protect us from God.

God will destroy everything that is sin, but He also offers repentance and forgiveness AFTER we repent and lay ourselves bear before His presence.

Saying that we’re sorry is a start but declaring that we’ve sinned against God is the real starting point for Mike.

For IHOPKC, they need to stop playing with this like all of the other ministries before them had done.

For the charismatics, they need to see the destruction of false teaching and cease the practice of the coverup themselves. All coverups is a 3 Stooges clown act.

To completely come clean because when God exposes something, He’s not going to stop until the entire field is destroyed so He could rebuild it the way that He commands.

And should IHOPKC rebuild it without their own contrition, the candlestick will be removed. Meaning that the presence of the Lord no longer abides.

This is worse than Ichabod.


Israel had the Ark returned from the Philistines.

When the Head of the Church removes the candlestick, it will never be returned.

In 5 of the 7 seven churches, the Lord offers repentance before removing the candlestick as a final judgment.

The Lord Jesus gave the ultimatum.

To prevent the final irrevocable judgment, 5 of the 7 churches had to do exactly what the Head of the Church commanded.

For IHOPKC, the response is simple.

Denounce, renounce, rescind, and destroy all false teaching.

Return to the simplicity that’s in Christ.

The basic gospel message according to Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and Galatians 1:6-9.

And finally, emphasize the qualifications listed by Paul in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

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