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Writer's pictureFred Rochester

Now That the Election Is Over...

do we go about our daily lives as business as usual? Americans participated in the most historic election of all time but what does it really mean and what's in store for the future of America?

What's the difference between liberalism and conservatism?

What's the liberal agenda and the conservative agenda?

Clearly, conservatives deliberately block liberals because the liberals always goes too far.

But first, this election was a lopsided victory for Trump.

They threw everything at him including bullets.

They wanted to stop Trump, no matter the cost.

The liberals tried impeachment, lawsuits, cheating in the 2020 election, vile name calling, and finally assassination attempts. Twice or more. We only know about the ones that were close and not the other attempts. And Covid was a practice run on how to control and rule people similar to Revelation 13, which talks about the mark of the beast.

"Mr. president, would you accept the results of the election if you lost?"

There's no need to reject the results because Trump won outright.

It wasn't even close as the polls suggested.

The attacks are not going to stop now that he's the president-elect.

There's an agenda and this election temporarily suspended the "progress" of "the progressive agenda."

What's happening before our eyes is the real spiritual warfare of spiritual warfares that's occurring in this nation that's going to play a pivotal role in setting up the last week of Daniel's 70th Weeks of years prophesy in Daniel chapter 9.

Notice in the VP's speeches that "moving forward" and "turning the page," "not going back," "a new generation of leadership," were continuing themes of Kamala Harris.

The "repackaging" which is "the process of packaging goods again or differently or the presentation of a person or thing in a new way" almost worked. It didn't fool the wise and even sinners picked up on the lies.

The repackaging entered the rogue church which you could see here.

We keep seeing Kamala Harris enter "Black churches," supported by "Black pastors so called" like Black people were being used to influence Black people and others into supporting her for the highest civilian office in the land. Very hypocritical of both the candidate and the false churches.

The slick use of people that we thought were true believers was used to pull the wool over our eyes to blind us about the hidden agenda of liberalism.

It's safe to come into the waters (church) but the sharks (satan and his children) lurk secretly and stealthily under the water, smell blood.

How can you support the agenda of evil and call yourself a pastor and a church?


2 Timothy 3:13 (NKJV)

"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

To deceive others, you must be deceived yourself.

But notice that she never went to Hindu or Shinto Temples, Mosques (to my knowledge) or to "White churches." But even if she went to those other places, her liberal agenda can't be justified.

But there's no such thing as "the Black Church or the White Church."

See Matthew 16:16-18.

There's many Christians that believe that voting for either candidate is evil. Kamala is evil and Trump is evil. If you vote for either of them, you're just as evil, and you're going to hell with them.

There's many Christians that believe that voting for either candidate is evil.

Kamala is evil and Trump is evil.

If you vote for either of them, you're just as evil, and you're going to hell with them.

So they say........

But the Bible is very clear as to why sinners are condemned already.

Have you ever read John 3:16-21?

Of course there's differing opinions that they "baptize" in Scripture to justify their statements, but this is for sure. Misuse or misinterpretation of Scripture cannot justify your opinion unless it harmonizes with Scripture.

According to 1 John 5:18, the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one and that the spirit of antichrist is in the world according 1 John 2:18-19.

Here's the text.

1 John 5:19 (NKJV) "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."

1 John 2:18-19 (NKJV) "Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us."

This is the last hour, meaning the last hour of the last days. There isn't much time left.

One party (Democrats-Liberalism) is clearly out to manifest evil by adding to the Constitution ungodliness, lawlessness, and unrighteousness, and the other party (Republicans-Conservative) want less government and live by the plain text of the Constitution.

In other words, liberalism or progressives wants to go beyond the boundaries of the text of the Constitution, and conservatives just want to stay within the boundaries of the plain text of the Constitution. The right of free speech and the right to keep and to bear arms is quintessential to this Republic.

Liberals want to suppress free speech because they don't want the truth to come out to expose their agenda. Therefore censorship is imposed to protect against anyone that would expose their agenda.

Wickedness isn't progress.

For instance, the liberals call abortion or the right to choose to kill a baby "reproductive rights," and how can you reproduce when you kill a baby?

Undoubtedly, this flawed concept is demonic reasoning. You don't and can't add by subtracting. "It's my body, my choice." Well the body inside your body is not your body. The child is another human being, designed in the womb, courtesy of the Creator.

Killing a child is not progress.

Obey the command of God not to fornicate or commit adultery and abortion wouldn't be necessary.

Or why change your gender when you're made either male or female? Why force children or take your child to sit in front of a drag queen and be read a story? You can't read a story yourself at home? Why give your child puberty blockers that will mame thejm for life? Why cut off your genitals to change into the gender that you want? This isn't "progress."

Being married to the same sex cancels copulation. You're forced to return to the design of the Creator to have children.

The evidence of liberalism is more regulation which essentially is the ungodly application of the rule of law to harass the righteous (true believers in Christ), adding ungodly amendments to the Constitution, bypass the text of the Constitution, and absolute unquestioned rule over the people.

We see the evidence of this in England that if you're in front of an abortion clinic and you're not moving your lips in prayer but an officer see you bowing your head and "thinking" of prayer (whatever that means) you will be arrested.

Or if you're in your own home and your house is a short distance from an abortion clinic, and you hold a prayer meeting in your own home, you may be arrested. Now, I don't know how true this is but it wouldn't be surprising.

Here in the United States, if you don't call a person by their preferred "pronoun," you may be harassed on your job. Disciplined and sent to "indoctrination or sensitivity" class to reorientate you on how to respect their insanity.

For instance if a person "transitions" into becoming a male or female, the corporation's policy is that you must not "discriminate" against them by calling them what they were or you'll be fired and possibly sued into submission.

While the Bible says "God created them male and female," Why are you forcing me to accept something that is against the Word of God? I'm exercising my Constutional right to practice my faith.

The liberals don't want you to exercise the 1st Amendment. The liberals want to override the Constitution to force you into submission to their agenda.

John Kerry, former senator and secretary of state once said that "free speech is a problem" to compel people to accept our ideas of liberalism.

Liberalism is designed to force you to accept their lies that a man is a woman and a woman is a man, among other things. When Kamala Harris selected Tim Walz as her running mate, the liberal agenda was in play.

If America voted for Kamala Harris, there's no question in my mind that the liberal agenda would manifest.

What's the hidden agenda of illegal immigration?

At first, I believed that it was about replacing the Black vote because Blacks have abandoned the Democratic liberal agenda. And this is true in a sense but the US Census is about counting the number of people in certain locations to add seats to Congressional districts so that the Democratic party could take advantage of the House.

In another instance, there's the liberal agenda to make the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, a US territory, a state to add Senators for the Democratic Party, because Puerto Ricans and those living in DC predominantly vote for the Democratic Party.

The evidence of conservatism is less government intrusion, less taxes and regulation, the righteous application of the rule of law, adhere to the plain text of the Constitution, and the people rule those desiring power by voting. Also to protect free speech and the right to keep and to bear arms.

Liberals want more taxes, more regulation, less rights, in an effort to use absolute rule to impose upon all people the way they want you to live, and force everyone to accept lawlessness as the law. Take away your God given freedoms by taking away your right to free speech and the right to keep and to bear arms.

Conservatives want to live by the strict plain text of the Constitution and go about living simple lives without the intrusion of government.

Liberals have become dissatisfied with the 3 branches of government. Separate but equal in power. The length of time it takes to achieve their goals is long and hard because when people oppose the liberal agenda, they get very upset.

Obviously, they play the long game. They try to chip away until the goal is achieved.

In the concession speech of vice president Kamala Harris, she mentioned that "when we fight we win," but we didn't get the outcome that we desired.

In a nut shell, she encouraged her supporters to continue to fight. The overtones were clear. Having come short twice of a nation voting in the first female president, the liberals are urged to keep on fighting. In other words, play the long game and eventually, the goal will be achieved.

But behind her speech is the clear overtone of the agenda of liberalism.

It's not misogyny or racial, although they want you to believe this. Calling you a name is part of their strategy to get you to surrender to their will. Their objective is to shame you into thinking that your anti liberal position is evil. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It's the feminist's agenda but where would this agenda originate?

Feminism originated in garden of Eden.

Adam was influenced by Eve to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and sin when it's finished brought forth death. This evil act of disobeying the commandment of the Lord brought forth death.

satan saw that Eve would influence Adam and satan took advantage of what he observed but little did satan knew that it would be used against him to destroy sin on the cross and seal his fate eternally.

satan's goal is to manifest sin in the highest way possible and it's through feminism, or turning man into a woman and a woman into a man to bring more confusion about God and His design of male and female.

Romans 1:26-27 (NKJV) "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."

Look at the pattern. Remember when Eve took of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Who ate first? (see Genesis 3).

The woman was first and then the man.

They're going to keep on fighting because the spirit of antichrist is in the world and because of the fallen nature of man, satan will continue to chip away.

But as Paul said...Romans 5:20 (NKJV) "...but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more..."

In other words, when sin wants to increase, grace increases much more.

Grace for what? Grace to fight lawlessness.

While voting for Trump may be considered as an evil thing to some Christians, it's clear that the agenda of liberalism is temporarily halted. In the cloud of spiritual confusion, we can't see the real purpose behind this election.

Remember. The Lord uses who He wills to accomplish His will and along the way, He teaches man a lesson. We may not agree with everything that the Lord does, but who are we to instruct God? God raised up Pharaoh for the purpose of showing His power so don't be so full of pride into thinking that God can't be responsible for raising up Trump as vile and wicked he is.

Remember. We were all vile until Christ came to redeem us by His blood.

It doesn't mean that the liberals are not going away anytime soon, but they will be back to see if you're still willing to fight or give up.

Remember when the Lord was tempted of the devil and the devil left Him for an "opportune time." satan would return to tempt the Lord even further to see if He would capitulate. To see if the Lord would surrender to satan's will.

What was Jesus' response just as He was about to crucified?

John 14:30 (NKJV)

"I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me."

Now just because you may be a "Conservative," it doesn't mean that you're a Christian. To be a Christian, you must be born again to enter into heaven (see John 3:3).

So now that the election is over, the liberals already initiated the next phase of their liberal agenda. When you're doing long term planning, it always includes alternate plans just in case your main objected wasn't achieved.

Three things before I go.

  1. What's the real objective? Israel. Delaying the Temple on the Temple Mount.

  2. The false prophets, pastors, and teachers in the church.

  3. Tares among wheat.

    We'll cover this in the next blog.

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