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Writer's pictureFred Rochester

Pastor Robert Morris & Child Molestation.

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

So with Dr. Tony Evans confessing to "sin," the evangelical world was rocked. The "sin" wasn't disclosed but speculation has erupted. There's many believers that want silence but we all know that it will never happen.

Like Moses said, " sure your sin will find you out."

Additionally, when we know the truth, many people we accuse me and others of slander.

Folks, when it comes to sexual sins, the bread crumbs lead to the eater.

Many of us remember when Fred Price Jr. stepped down for 1 year and Dr. Fred Price Sr. had to preach for 1 year. Dr. Fred Price was already struggling physically and finally succumbed after taking the vaccine.

The code that Fred Price Jr. used was "inappropriate behavior."

Has anyone noticed that when any pastor used code, that they've never ruled out sexual immorality? It's a dead giveaway.

You may be saying that it only leads to more speculation and we don't need to slander or guess what may have happened. It's not guessing until they've definitively rule out sexual immorality.

Having been involved with Secret Sexual Sins myself in the area of porn, I know full well how pastors use code to soften the blow and avoid disgrace.

With Pastor Robert Morris, he disclosed that he had inappropriate sexual contact with a "young lady," but this is code. He didn't disclose that he committed a crime of child molestation with a 12 year old.

Even the elders and the board was deceived because Robert Morris didn't disclose to them that he had sexually molested a 12 year old for 4 years.

In his statement, he stated that he had submitted himself to the elders and board for discipline and stayed away from the pulpit for 2 years. But he didn't disclose to the board that he committed a crime of sexual molestation with a 12 year old.

Can we see that when we hold secrets and refuse to disclose the full story, eventually, Luke 12:2 hunts down every secret.

Since the crime took place in Texas (I may be wrong about Texas statute of limitations) and Oklahoma, according to current laws, the statute of limitations expired.

Meaning that he probably will not be charged with a crime. But the victim could easily file a civil complaint.

So why did Tony Evans and Robert Morris disclose these sins?

Could it be that their conscience was getting the best of them?

Could it be that a civil complaint was forthcoming?

Could it be that someone dropped a dime?

Even worse. The Lord and His Word brought conviction and judgment was at the door.

1 John 3:20-21 (NKJV)

"For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God."

Both men share questionable doctrine and it's clear that, with at least Robert Morris, he committed a crime of child molestation and kept it concealed (that he committed child molestation with a 12 year old) for many years.

I'll say this again without apology. Whenever a pastor use code to conceal his sexual sins, it's just plain lying to cover it up so that it doesn't appear as bad as it could. But we know how the Lord works.

We remember David when he concealed his sin and was uncovered by the Lord by Nathan the prophet. David thought that by killing Uriah that no one would know. Of course, the Lord knew and exposed David.

Hebrews 4:13 says, "No creature is hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account."

Sexual immorality and false doctrine are inseparable.

Read 2 Peter chapter 2.

Many will say that this must stop. Folks, let's not deceive ourselves. These two were not the first, and certainly, they'll not be the last.

By the end of the year, the well known in the pulpit and the not so well known in the pulpit have yet to be discovered.

You could read the story here.

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