First, I'm just as guilty about spiritualizing elections as anyone else. Vacillating back and forth between voting and not voting for spiritual reasons.
Just from my own perspective, I've said that if you vote for one candidate you agree with what they support. Or if you vote, you're not trusting in God according to Jeremiah 17:5-10 and Proverbs 3:5-6, so don't vote at all.
There's many believers that believe that Christians shouldn't vote at all.
It's very confusing for some believers because they're looking to seasoned elders to give them guidance and direction. Not more confusion.
The one issue that stops believers from voting Republican is that Republicans, by and large, are Pro Life supporters. We all know that Democrats support unlimited abortion. But we all know that Pro Life positions compromise with politicians and settle for permitting abortion under certain conditions. Saving the mother's life, incest, and rape.
Abortion is the deliberate murder of a child and to vote for anyone that supports abortion violates Genesis 9:6 and Exodus 20:13. Revelation 22:15 is clear judgment into the lake of fire for murderers.
Those that commit murder don't have eternal life abiding in them according to 1 John 3:15.
Many other believers believe that abortion must be absolutely abolished altogether.
The only way that abortion will be absolutely abolished is when every human being obeys the commandment of the Lord to "Flee fornication" and "You shall not commit adultery."
The fallen nature of man will look to circumvent the commandment of the Lord and any man made laws that prohibit and abolish abortion.
We must remember that when the Lord gave us His Word, voting for elected officials never occured, unless I'm wrong. A government by the people and for the people.
Despots and tyrants governed the nations. Under the king would be rulers over sections of territory that answer to the king.
The Roman government established this kind of rule which, for the most part, is still the way most governments operate. In the United States, we have 3 branches which make up our Federal government, the governors rule the states, then mayors rule over counties or cities.
Of course, you have your Commonwealths.
People vote for the person that would represent them in all instances of government and so forth.
Many believes know that non believers in Christ are in positions of power. Their votes in the general assembly (Congress), their beliefs, and what they support goes with them.
So what is a Christian supposed to do?
You're the consituent. Meaning the candidate that is sent to Washington represents you. They have to go to you to be hired for the job. They also have to hear what you have to say on certain issues.
Many believers go into the booth, knowing and not knowing what the candidate represents, what they believe or don't believe, and what they support and don't support. Once they're elected, they can change parties, ignore the people that they're supposed to represent and go rogue.
Politics is the game of compromise and deals which includes lying or stretching the truth to get what they want. Money will always change hands both legally and illegally.
But for the true believer, we must never compromise, and we must never spiritualize a reason to vote for a person that we know is a candidate that isn't a straight person.
We must refrain from being dishonest with ourselves to justify voting.
The United States is a unique country. The world has never seen a group of people lay down their lives and sacrifice to establish a government exclusively owned by its people.
So what is a believer supposed to do?
A believer must never trust his conscience (Jeremiah 7:9). A believer must trust in the Lord at all times.
So what if a believer votes, knowing that the candidate is a flawed candidate that lies, commit adultery, supports abortion, and surely isn't a true believer in Christ?
This is where it's difficult and then again it's easy to make a decision.
Every believer and unbeliever has a conscience with the law of God written on their hearts (see Romans 2:15).
According to Hebrews 5:12-14, believers are to be so mature in Christ that you have your "senses exercised (trained) to discern good and evil."
1 Thessalonians 5:22 says to "Abstain from every form of evil."
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 is a command not to be "unequally yoked together with unbelievers."
Romans 12:2 tells us "And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
Is this spiritualizing the election?
It's the Scriptures giving us guidance as to how we're to conduct ourselves if we choose to vote.
There's nothing in the Word that prohibits a Christian from voting and there's nothing in the Word of God that commands a Christian to vote.
Therefore, it's up to you to know the Word of God. It's up to you to know what your representatives stand for and support.
It's up to you to know where your party (Republican, Democrat or Independent) is headed and what policies they support. Should you choose not to vote, the Lord will not condemn you to hell for it.
However, if you knowingly support and vote for a candidate that support anti-Biblical positions, you will be held accountable. In fact, if you support the murder of innocent babies, homosexuality, transgenderism, sexual immorality, and laws that allow lawlessness, you were never a child of God to begin with.
In fact, for a true believer, choosing not to vote will be one less thing you'll be judged on.
But you will be accountable, one way or another if you choose to vote, one way or another.
Romans 14:12 (NKJV)
"So then each of us shall give account of himself to God."
It's not the end of the world yet, if you choose not to vote.