There were a few noticeable things that were evident at the Donkey (excuse me) Democratic National Convention or DNC.
Also known as “Donkey-ism.”
Democrats have gone “Buck Donkey Wild.”
Obviously the fencing was installed. They've recently installed double fencing to keep the protesters from getting too close to the Convention because there was a very minor breach of a section of fencing.
There’s no doubt that at the RNC, there were protests but if there were, wouldn’t you think that the Democrats would have covered it to make the RNC look bad?
I could be mistaken.
So, enforce current laws and secure the Southern Boarder by stopping illegal immigrants from entering into our country illegally.
Just because the boarder agent’s hands are tied from doing their job by a very weak administration, it didn’t annul the law.
Illegal immigrants have broken the law by entering into this country illegally.
These protesters were anti Israel, Hamas supporting protesters. It's proof that walls or fences work. The other thing that was noticeable was the police presence to keep the attendees of the convention safe.
A clear example of effective fencing is in southern Gaza where there's double fencing to keep Hamas and innocent Arabs from entering Egypt.
However, in Chicago, the shooting continues in minority neighborhoods.
The overtime spent on having overwhelming police presence is money spent to support the convention but not in minority neighborhoods.
My dad once said, that you could accomplish any goal if you put your mind to it.
The other thing that was noticeable were two unmistakeable symbols of the quest to destroy minorities.
A blow up IUD and a Planned Parenthood van to provide free abortions and vasectomies to minorities.
But the Democrats claim to be for minorities, yet, police were provided to protect the attendees at the convention center while shots were fire outside a ways from the convention center, killing babies were provided, and contraceptions were provided so that minorities wouldn't get pregnant.
The Supreme Court rightfully remanded Roe v Wade back to the states. More than half of the country is against abortion and it ought to be abolished because it’s murder.
The left fears a nationwide ban of abortions but even if that were to happen, drive by abortions are in place as evidenced by an abortion van made available at the DNC to provide free abortions.
The work around is already prepared.
Remember, sin is a deliberate act of defying the will of God.
Fornication and adultery fuels abortions.
They call it "PROGRESSIVE" but it's not progress.
During the vice president's speech while unveiling her VP pick (governor Tim Walz, a pathological liar), the crowd shouted "We ain't going back!" but it turned into "Not going back!"
It sounded confused because the audience couldn't get it together to say in unison one thing or the other.
Walz signed into law that tampons are to be in boy’s bathrooms. He served but he lied about his rank and serving in Iraq when he didn’t.
Wikipedia still show his false rank of Command Sergeant Major. He was demoted because he didn’t complete the Command Sergeant Major course and retired as an E-8, Master Sergeant.
Those of us that have served honorably know not to lie about our rank and service because your service history is in your military jacket.
Walz is a left ideology propagandist that’s been to China 30 times. Supports abortion and transgenderism.
He’s a communist Marxist that allowed cities to burn in his state.
It only proves that donkey-ism is his agenda.
Undoubtedly, they support murder and killing.
While their donkey polices are designed to destroy Capitalism, we must remember that Democrats are getting paid based on Capitalism. So why destroy where you're money is coming from? It's simple. Paid under the table in different accounts. Dark money in dark accounts. But we also see that the ongoing agenda to deplete our numbers continues.
What's more concerning to Americans is the economy and people are waking up to the demonic agenda to keep a nation divided.
The Lord said….
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
But you have to ask yourself a good question.
Why would you vote into office someone that's responsible for the problems while they claim that they will fix the problem?
You were in power for over 3 years, but because of the “love of money,” serving money and hating God, this is the motive.
Why not fix the problem correctly while you were in power?
It's like hiring a plumber that broke the pipes but the same plumber is looking to be hired to fix the pipes that they broke.
It doesn't make sense.
Don Lemon, a practicing homosexual, appeared in Democat safe New Jersey to ask people questions about Kamala and Trump.
It appears that even in Democrat safe strongholds, people are rejecting the myth of Kamala and while perhaps, many of them don't like Trump as a person, they know that as a business man, Trump is more qualified to handle the country than Kamala.
Evidently, Don Lemon was perplexed that people are rejecting the myth of Kamala Harris.
It’s not about misogyny or race. It’s about qualifications.
Never hire a person that’s not qualified.
If you want an unqualified person, vote for Kamala. If you want a qualified person, vote for Trump.
Emotions and joy doesn’t pay the bills.
Skills pays the bills.
So if you wonder why they're keeping the vice president away from the media, it's only a matter of time before the naked emperoress will be exposed.
We all know that the Democrat elite donkeys did a coup on Joe, but they didn't want Kamala either. They were forced to put Kamala up.
They had no time for a proper Democratic voting process to get the candidate, (whoever it was) to be voted in to avoid scrutiny, and all of the cases against Trump weren't working.
What's waning is the utter hatred of Trump. People are waking up to see that this hatred is misplaced but it's a diliberate attempt to destroy Trump. It's not working any more.
It's just like on the job. We hate the boss, but the boss is putting the company in a position to make more money and all of your fears and hatred of the boss comes to an end when you see your pay rise, less taxes, better work rule conditions, better benefits, bonuses, and promotions.
The hatred may remain but you slowly see that such hatred was misplaced.
You'll always have disgruntled people in every organization, but if you think about it, it could be worse.
The donkey policies, is if you impose more regulations and taxes on corporate America, you destroy the work force. If you print more money and push that money into an economy, it weakens the long term economic outlook. Then it affects national security.
It's textbook Communism.
So you’re not progressing, your regressing.
Sadly, people are blinded to the fact that the Democrats, since Reconstruction, have been passing the anger of losing the Civil War on to every generation in hopes to finish the job it started in 1860.
You could see it in their donkey policies. Kill Black people by any means necessary.
But as one person put it very powerfully, it's a spiritual force of darkness that's attempting to destroy a nation by taking away its freedom and the economic means to secure such freedom.
As far as the protesters that support the Arabs killing Jews. They want Kamala and Joe to stop supplying bombs and weapons to Israel because of the false narrative that Israel is committing genocide.
Within the DNC and Democrats, there's clear antisemitism within its ranks.
Genesis 12 is the word that warns against cursing Israel. Take heed, lest you fall under your own curse.
It's no secret that Jews hate Jews just like with every race. Sadly, people that profess to be a Christian hate true Christians in violation of 1 John 4 and John 13:34-35.
Even John Fetterman, senator from PA, is a no show at the DNC because of his stance on Israel.
Genocide is a very strong word to get people to become sympathetic to the goals of the Arabs to force Israel into a cease fire. Because if Israel realizes its goal to completely wipe out Hamas, Hamas will no longer be used as a tool to force Israel into a two state delusion.
Because of Iranian backed Hamas killing Jews on October 7th, 2023, Israel purposed in their heart to wipe out Hamas. The 40,000 Arabs that were killed, is not all civilians.
A great majority of them were Hamas brigades, bent on killing all Jews.
While civilian casualties did occur, (we're not blind to it), according to verified facts, it's the lowest civilian to military casualties in world history.
Finally, as believers in the Lord, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3, we're to make prayers, supplications, intercessions, and giving of thanks for all men, for kings, and for all who are in authority, that we may lead quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is acceptable before God.
We must be aware that as the Lord had warned us that in Matthew 24:6-8
Jesus said “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
There's no question that the winds to destroy America is fierce, but the Lord knows the end from the beginning (see Isaiah 46). While the days of America are numbered, whether you choose to vote or not, for whatever reason, the Lord alone knows the end of its days according to Daniel chapter 2.
Psalms 127:1
A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon.
”Unless the LORD builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the LORD guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain.”
As Israel does, so do we pray…
Psalms 20:7-9
“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
They have bowed down and fallen;
But we have risen and stand upright.
Save, LORD!
May the King answer us when we call.“
The most important things that we must do is to stay holy, stay righteous in Christ, we must pray, and we must share Christ and the gospel.