Former president Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 Election, made a very serious statement.
His statement was clear. Abortion should be decided by the states.
I am not Pro Life nor Pro Abortion, obviously.
Read Genesis 9:6, Exodus 20:13. Abortion ceases when you stop fornicating and committing adultery.
When the Supreme Court overturned Rowe v. Wade, and remanded the case on abortion back to the States, there was a serious uproar.
Someone leaked the draft of the majority opinion of Justice Alito to cause trouble. It hasn't been determined who leaked the memo but that's another story.
No where in the Constitution of the United States is any language of or use of the word “abortion.” The case was a federal court ruling, argued before the Supreme Court that under the 14th Amendment, the ones seeking abortion have equal protection under the equal protection clause.
If you know your Constitution well enough, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment were Amendments to end slavery, give Blacks equal protection, and voting rights during the Reconstruction phase of the United States.
The voting on each Amendment (13th, 14th, and 15th) was heavily passed with majority Republican support and heavily contested by the Democrats who lost the Civil War.
So with the hijacking of the 14th Amendment by the Democrats, homosexuality and abortion were successfully argued as rights.
The murder of millions of babies and homosexuals becoming another class of people was firmly established.
By making it the law of the land, murder and sexual immorality may be legal but God and His Word still declares them both as immoral and an abomination. The ruling elite had already decided to ignore the Constitution a long time ago. Each generation of the ruling elite has passed down to their next generation of the ruling elite what to do to eliminate the Constitution. What we're seeing now is the implementation of the inevitability of a no Constitutional Republic.
Look very carefully at your court systems and judges allowing criminals back into the streets.
The Roe v Wade decision (7 to 2) in 1973 was made by a Democrat Court under the Nixon (a Republican) administration.
A federal court ruling was upheld and abortion became the law of the land. But according to the current Court, this precedent was overturned and remanded to the States.
In June of 2015, under the Obama administration with a 5 to 4 majority, homosexual unions became the law of the land.
Of course many “pro life” organizations applauded the decision to remand abortion back to the States, but what has it accomplished?
Only one thing.
The ruling was remanded back to the States. So what has the "Pro Life" agenda accomplished? That you can negotiate a cut off week but continue abortions. How can you support this when Genesis 9:6 and Exodus 20:13 is the Word of God? Ignorant Christians are being played like a fiddle.
Pro Life says that "we're against abortion" but we support that you can't abort up to a certain week. That's silly and we know it.
Abstinence is taught as an option and not as an absolute obedience to God's Word.
See Mark 8:34-37 and 1 Corinthians 6:15-20. Murderers will be cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation 21:8 (NKJV)
"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
This includes anyone that negotiates with the world to permit abortion up to a certain week, including Pro Life supporters.
As a result, some States in the Bible belt had already put in motion laws to end abortion should Roe v Wade be overturned.
Abortion is already frownd upon by more than half of America but it never stopped abortion. In fact, abortions appear to have increased.
Other methods such as the “morning after” fornication or adultery pills have increased.
Trump was attempting to get ahead of the debate early in the year so as to establish a middle of the road approach.
Both the abortion supporters and the anti abortion supporters are very upset. You can’t please everyone.
Sin never pleases God.
We all know that the art of the distraction is a powerful tool to get people’s minds off of the real issues affecting America.
Such as illegal immigration, inflation, treating Israel, closing of small businesses, lawlessness, crime increased, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, China and Russia, high taxes, the budget deficit (34 Trillion), high gas prices, and the high cost of living. As long as sin is insisted upon, judgment for sin will continue.
What does judgment from God look like?
Look around you.
Matthew 24:12 (NKJV)
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”
The current condition of the United States is under severe judgment from God.
Look at where judgment had already started.
1 Peter 4:17 (NKJV) “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
There's only a small remnant that's willing to live for the Lord that the Lord has reserved in the earth.
Believers are seeing their costs for everything go up as well. It’s not just affecting the world. Look at Israel when the Lord exiled Israel into Babylon for 70 years.
Daniel, Zechariah, Jeremiah, Mishael, Azariah, and Hananiah were righteous as well as a few of the other Jews. Even while they were held captive in Babylon, the Lord protected and provided them as long as they obeyed God and His Word.
But for the false prophets and teachers, they were severely judged and died.
The Lord Jesus warned us of false prophets and teachers and the deception is far worse because we’re living in an hour where believers are all talk and no Bible action.
1 Timothy 4:1-2 (NKJV) “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron…”
Even professed believers fornicate, commit adultery, practice homosexuality, watch and participate in pornography, solo sex called masturbation, lie, steal, are drunkards, idolators, effeminate, and are extortioners. They will not inherit the kingdom of God.
In other words, they will burn in hell for their sins because if they truly had the fear of God within them, they wouldn’t do these sin.
The spiritual condition of this nation is approaching the very bottom. Drag queens are reading to children. Crime is on the rise. The cost of living has increased.
Whenever the Lord judges a nation, He does so to force people to repent because people won’t listen. The events that’s facing this nation is pointing towards a point of no return.
This sins of this nation is almost full.
One man isn’t going to turn this around.
After Trump, IF he wins, look at 2028, 32, 36, and beyond should the Lord so choose. Most of you are only focused on 2024.
You’ve never seen a 34 trillion dollar deficit erased in 4 years. You’ve never seen lawlessness erased in 4 years.
Is it possible?
Not when a people is bent on immorality and is anti God.
These are the last days. The coming of the Lord is near.
The gospel must be preach to the whole world, and then the end shall come.
Matthew 24:14 (NKJV)
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”